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Capitol Dome


Tell your members of Congress how their actions will affect you and your company.


Stay up-to-date on the latest legislative, political, and regulatory news affecting the construction industry.


Contractors can feel confident in the fact that the CAWV and its political action committee, HUB/PAC (Highway-Utility-Building Political Action Committee) are Hard at Work affecting positive change for West Virginia's construction industry.

The CAWV maintains a dynamic lobbying and government relations program with the specific goals of advancing the collective interests of the construction industry. As our members’ voice at the West Virginia Legislature and across all levels of government, we work to ensure that there is a level playing field for contractors and to maximize funding opportunities for infrastructure projects. We also oppose unreasonable environmental legislation, repressive labor litigation and unfair business and employment practices.

The CAWV works diligently during the 60-day legislative session to keep members informed on those issues that affect their businesses and the construction industry. The weekly CAWV Legislative Bulletin and CAWV Legislative Alerts provide information on the various bills introduced and the CAWV position on relevant legislation.

The Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America and the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) represent CAWV members in our nation’s capital.

  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Legislative Bulletin and Alerts
  • “Take Action” Webpage
  • Congressional Relations
  • WVDOT/WVDOH Cooperation
  • Liaison with Other State & Federal Agencies
  • Liaison with Other Business & Industry Organizations